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Our book cover winner! Thank you to everyone who voted to help us decide. We absolutely love it!

Hey Busy Bee's!

This is it the very first blog post about our book 'The Neurodivergent’s Guide to Life'. We are so excited to share this journey with you, writing a book is no small feat (especially when you get distracted by everything in the world) but with all our your support and encouragement we couldn't be more exited!

So we wanted to firstly give you some insight on what we will be posting.

We want to share the stages and development process of what we are doing with you and let you see some snips of what will be going into each chapter of our book but naturally we don't want to give it all away. This will be your source of all updates and offer you the opportunity of letting us know what you think but you won't see everything, you'll have to buy the book for that!

This book idea came about from us wanting to give people reassurance and advice on dating and relationships (not that we are particularly amazing at it or anything!) as we know so many people with ASD and ADHD struggle with these social situations. As we were throwing ideas about we came out with the phrase 'I wish I had this book when I was younger' and it hit us that we needed to make this a guide to life for ND people.

We'd like to point out we aren't exactly life gurus who have done everything perfectly, in fact we are probably the total opposite of that. We have done things wrong... repeatedly but to be honest we are sick of being told how to do things in life by people who haven't experienced things in the same way as we have.

Life throws difficult moments at everyone there is no doubt about that but being neurodiverse adds a whole different spin to it.

So this is it guys the book we always wish we had growing up! We hope it helps and thank you for being here supporting us.

Peace, love and unity.

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